Monday, July 26, 2010 Founder Julian Assange Commits a Different Kind of Terrorism

I am outraged that an Australian douche bag/former crackpot hacker has the audacity to release classified material regarding the war in Afghanistan.

My first plea to my readers is to NOT make this a political issue further dividing our countries citizens. That being said:

The 91,000 classified documents released by this criminal depict in detail certain elements of the war that only the military and our allies need to know. For the record, WWII was responsible for millions of civilian deaths and other war atrocities.

There is a reason that these documents are classified. It saves the lives of our brave soldiers fighting to protect our rights and freedoms. Don't think for a second that this will affect our relationships with our allies. I can almost guarantee that their supreme commanders, the U.N Council, and other governing agencies know what these documents are already telling us. When we are at war, and we are finally at war with the enemy who attacked us on 9/11/2001, there will be casualties. No matter how much technology advances in military tactics and weapons, people will suffer from the art of war.

One of the major components of a successful soldier is moral. Keep moral high your military will be stronger. When you release documents like this, it will undoubtedly de-moralize alot of military personnel. That's why that it wasn't until decades later that "classified documents" regarding WWII or the Kennedy Assassination, or Vietnam, became declassified.

I am currently trying to research contact information for this so what we, American Citizens, can stand up to this douche bag. Though wikileaks, in theory, is a good idea, there are only certain things that should be made public (i.e. corrupt businesses robbing their consumer, hmhmm Lehman Brothers) This as with all media shouldn't race to be the first to make something news. Somethings need to remain a secret to preserve lives.

This guy, Jullian Assange, has committed an act of terror against our great country and for that, He is my enemy. I will research where this guy is and he better hope the CIA finds him before I do.... (Figuratively speaking ;)

If anyone that reads this can give me proof that this kind of information release doesn't hurt our country or service men and women, then I will recant everything I have written here. Your info has to be accurate and contains facts..

Immigration Laws in Arizona

I am a Texan and also a Liberal Democrat. I support most of President Obama's policies, but NOT on Immigration Reform. With that being said, I am not making this a political party issue, but rather a social issue, which it truly is. After Arizona passed new laws allowing police officers to stop anyone they think might me an illegal immigrant and if they are here illegally, they can be arrested then deported. Arizona's Governor, Republican Jan Brewer signed this bill into law because she and other Arizona State officials realized there is a social and economic problem that is stemmed from Illegal Immigrants. State Welfare and other services are being exhausted, because there are an estimated 400,000 thousand illegal immigrants in that state. One of the main problems is that they don't pay taxes but are somehow able to use benefits that should be reserved for legal residents of our country. The only real problem that this new law is creating for other states is that Arizona's Illegals are fleeing Arizona, some back to Mexico, but MOST are fleeing to other U.S. States.

Before you read further, don't get me wrong, and I already know dumb asses will scream racism about this post, but that can't be farther from the truth. I am NOT a racist and if that is their only defense against this new trend, all I can say to them is join the winning side.

click the following link for the full Arizona Immigration Bill

Now to the main point of this posting. This new law takes effect July 29th, 2010 and there are already tens of thousands of protesters lined up to oppose the law. Now, usually, I am one of the first ones to take a stand against something I don't believe in, and our constitution defends our rights to stand up and voice our opinions. Now, Most of these protesters are the Illegal Immigrants that the new law effects. What in the Hell are these people thinking. They don't want to take the steps required to become legal residents, they don't pay taxes, and they are un-arguably one of the most Major Drains on our economy. (aside from the crooks on Wallstreet, but that is a different blog all together)

In my opinion, I think Texas should follow suit because we have the same, if not more illegals putting pressure on our economy here as well.

Click here for facts regarding illegal immigration:

When you add this up, that is hundreds of millions of dollars that should be being cycled back into our economy and strengthening our economy.

I could go on and on with shoving facts down your throat, but my main goal here is to find out why in the hell can anyone oppose this kind of change? This is our country and for those who make this statement in your argument, "So, I guess your ancestors came here legally!" I will retort: No, but that was a dawn of a new time. A time where this great country had vacancies and, guess what, they became legal residents real fast.

Opponents to this new law are crying "racism", "Racial Profiling", etc... How ridiculous is their argument??? How is trying to solve our illegal immigrant problem, racism? Please tell me, how diluted your thoughts on racism are. Do you even know what racism is? Here is the definition of racism:

"a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others."

This law is in no way or even close to resembling racism. No one here thinks one race is superior to another, no one here is showing hate or intolerance to the Hispanic Race. In reality, I actually respect the immigrants that came here and became LEGAL residents. They are helping our economy, for the most part. With that being said, our country is at its capacity. We can't sustain any more migrants, legal or otherwise. If you are one of those immigrants who say, "Our country's government oppresses people, etc..." Stand up for your own rights in your own country and make changes their, NOT IN MY COUNTRY!!!!!!

I invite any one that opposes my ideas to contact me with their arguments so I can inform you with FACTS that you are wrong. That being said, if you can't listen to truth and reason, there is no hope for you. I will not fill your heads with rhetoric and information that can't be verified. Everything I will tell you is 100% truth..